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On-Demand Engineering - Could This Be the Future?

On-Demand Engineering - Could This Be the Future?

Adopting new technologies and leveraging them have lately become the norm for many service-based firms. This, however, is still going the traditional way for a lot of construction and MEP design companies. And the problem doesn’t stop there. The amount of patience the clients need to have is frustrating for them. In case you have taken such services a few years ago, you must have first-hand experience of the scenario.

MEP Design and the construction industry very much follow the same traditional approach as it was earlier. Clients still wait for their quotations (having lengthy proposals, a detailed expensive solution, and extended service delivery time) to arrive from companies. The process takes so much time that it becomes exhausting for clients.

The people in the business are addressing the same discussion we are going to talk about in this article; On-demand engineering- could this be the future? Let’s Understand!

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Approaching the Problem

The traditional method of offering engineering design services goes step-by-step. It is extensive and time-consuming, and the next stage only starts after the previous one ends.

It involves too many resources (engineers) required to ask questions, survey the project, design the required proposals, and make changes to the plans. The requirement for signed and sealed designs and engineering (civil) permits has also been increasing lately.

This all sums up to a prolonged procedure, which of course takes considerable time, money, and effort.

For some projects, the clients need immediate assistance. The services for such projects should ideally be offered within 2 weeks (maximum), which again is a bit difficult owing to offering services through traditional practices. The time spent in back and forth discussions is time-consuming. And, in case of changes, the estimated hourly cost for designing goes too high.

The documents stored manually and over the numerous email chains pose a risk of miscommunication, which is likely to create hurdles while offering proposals and services.

There has been a surge too in the real estate, insurance, and construction awareness among people owing to the increase in natural disasters like floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. This puts added pressure on the authorities to follow building code, which includes the need for sealed plans, proper site inspection, and reviewing everything thoroughly.

The authorized reviewers to ascertain the plan’s authenticity chose to inquire about the plans and designs by asking detailed questions from the authorities.

Added to this scrutiny, components like roofing, decking, siding, windows, solar panels, etc. are also falling under the requirement of a sealed engineering plan for a permit.

Additionally performing crucial tasks like determining the load calculations correctly to avoid chances of short circuits, arc faults, etc. require a technical resource to ensure accuracy and precision in the task.

Finding the Solution

For engineers, technology has created an extraordinary outlook in the form of exceptional CRM frameworks to offer technology-backed support to clients.

Just like e-commerce businesses, pioneer MEP engineering design companies are offering a host of similar services for clients to choose, buy the services, and get delivered easily.

Added to this advancement are several other project management and file-sharing tools like dropbox helping businesses keep a track of project sharing. The sharing too gets easier and therefore, keeping an eye on every advancement happening in the project seems easier. Sharing projects directly on the mail encourages paperless sharing with as many resources employed on the project as too with a single click.

Such technology-backed support reduces the chances of miscommunication, inaccuracy, and disorganized services. Additionally, clients could get their load letters approved within a short span of 5 days with 100% accuracy.

While clients have the relief to upload their plans to get expert analysis on the same, what comes as an added benefit is paying only for what they require. The payment gateways are safe and secured and offer the ease of payment from anywhere anytime. This reduces all the inconvenience associated with check payments.

The technology has also supported the digital transmission of plans and designs for engineers to review the same and revert solutions easily. It allows a seamless connection between resources and clients to offer them an interactive experience through a host of curated solutions designed to suit clients’ individual needs.

What helps such companies to offer unbeatable services is the massive years of experience teamed up with expertise in design solutions. The vast collection of calculations gathered from similar projects helps in the development of secured interfaces for both the in-house team and the clients.

The developed utilities available in the form of tools and software are updated regularly to integrate the newest additions in adherence with the region-specific building codes and are controlled and monitored by experts to meet the industry standards.

It surely has helped companies to offer technology-backed solutions to fulfill on-demand engineering requirements even on complex projects through one-to-one consultation.

Know more about NY Engineers' on-demand engineering services by connecting with us at (786) 788-0295.


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