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Plumbing Contractor

NYE takes pride when it comes to the plumbing services because we offer professional plumbing services and solutions that are designed to provide high functionality, excellent efficiency, and maximum cost cuts.

Instant Leak Detection 

We have a quick leak detection process and it allows us to deliver you an excellent turnaround which is 50% faster than all others in the industry.

Expertise in Expansion and Renovation

Remodeling or new design we can take care of your plumbing projects and get you the results that you have always wanted for your project.

Reduced Costs and High Efficiency

We make sure that all our design services and solutions revolve around efficiency. This will have a dual effect and ultimately your utility costs will decline in both the long and short run.

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Plumbing Design Services

NYE’s Scope of Plumbing Services

Whether you are looking to work on a new project or going for remodeling, a plumbing contractor will take care of the project based on your requirements while also complying with the rules that are set by the governing authorities. The Chicago Municipal Code is one of the governing bodies that oversee these regulations. There are heavy penalties and various other charges if a project doesn’t meet these requirements and to save all such hassles you need to hire the services of a plumbing contractor.

Thus hiring NYE will not only allow your project to handle all the obligations effectively but it will also make sure that all the plumbing requirements of your project are met effectively. You only need to hire a professional and experienced plumbing contractor that can guide your entire project to success.

will make sure that all the aspects of your projects meet the current as well as future needs above and beyond the set benchmarks. The scope of this service includes designing a new project or remodeling of the existing one and hiring various parties to complete different phases of the entire installation and maintenance of the entire project. These different phases include the following:

  • Design and installations or replacements of piping
  • Design of kitchens and bathrooms
  • Design, installations, and repairs of gas lines
  • Management and containment of hot water return systems
  • Detection and repairs of any leakages
  • Design, installations, and repairs of water heater systems
  • Drain and sewer design services
  • Installations of any water treatment systems
  • Installations and maintenance of sump pump

How a Properly Planned Plumbing System Brings You Utility Savings?

Utility Savings

If your primary concern is having a plumbing system at your facility that saves, then you are most probably fed up of wastage that your current system is causing. And if you are going for a new installation then saving costs should again be your top priority. In either case, savings will bring benefit to your business both in the long and short run.

Plumbing installation services should be top notch in every regard because they will not only save you from any penalties from the local authorities but they will also provide water in all faucets and fixtures with precise flow and pressure even at the topmost floor of your facility. To achieve this, the plumbing system needs to be designed well so that the demand is managed efficiently. Additionally, all the wastewater needs to be contained too. A properly designed plumbing system will tackle all these matters while conserving your water consumptions and reducing utility costs.

Nevertheless, the procedure of doing all this is not an easy one because you have to deal with a host of different state regulations and local codes to improve your residential or commercial facility and install one of these systems. Therefore, if you are feeling stuck within a minefield of all those municipal codes then you need to hire a good quality plumbing contractor to get the job done for you.

One of the major issues is tackling these codes and finding your way out of misinterpreting any of these terms and conditions. Hence it is crucial for you to hire the services of a plumbing contractor who will design all your plumbing equipment in a way that you don’t have to deal with penalties later on and are able to conserve water too.

How NYE Can Assist You With This?

The first motive of our design engineers is to understand all present and futures goals that want to achieve with your project. Our team will make an assessment and integrate all the applicable regulations form the code and will start the design process. They will also make sure that any future matters associated with the maintenance and repair activities remain addressed as well.

Our engineers will look to gather some information from you regarding the project. We need to know what your demands are. It is critical because during the design process we have to keep a close eye on all the rules and regulations that the local authorities and state governments have set for such a plumbing system.

This is not only important during the beginning of your plumbing project but it stays relevant throughout the project’s life. As your plumbing contractor, we will provide you with all the viable assessments as per the code and will show you what rules you have to adhere at all stages of installation and even after.

You also have to keep in mind that according to the Chicago Building Code as well as the Chicago Municipal Code, after installation a certified representative of CWWS (Chicago Water Works System) must visit your site and inspect the entire plumbing system for verification.

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What Pipe Types NYE Consider?

There are different types of pipes that NYE use in your plumbing system and you can choose either one of them based on your project requirements and demands. The primary factory to differentiate these pipes is materials that are used to make them. As per the rules set by the CWWS and the code the best materials for all kinds of plumbing projects are iron, copper, CPVC, galvanized steel, and brass.

Nevertheless, iron and brass are not frequently used particularly in domestic projects. We have listed down some of the characteristics of the materials that are more commonly used in the modern day plumbing projects:

  • Copper is able to resist rust and corrosion and it is rigid yet flexible. The tubing of copper is available in different thicknesses and diameters. For example, type-K, type-L, and Type-M.
  • Galvanized Steel has a coating of galvanized zinc on its external side for the purpose of providing protection against various external elements.

CPVC is highly durable and is extremely lightweight. It can easily last from anywhere between fifty to seventy years.

Sizing as Per Code

Piping code

Installation of a plumbing system without thinking about the piping size will only jeopardize your entire project if you haven’t considered this decision before you began working on the project. Sizing is a lot trickier aspect of your entire plumbing project. For this, we will provide you with all the details associated with the sizes that are mentioned in the code.

In the municipal code, there are instructions given that explicitly say that the sizes of the pipes should be based on the velocity of the flowing water and this velocity must not exceed eight feet a second. When there is a need for a pump then the required velocity drops down further to five feet a second to ensure the maximum pressure should stay at 100PSI. Nevertheless, the municipal code also puts a limit on the levels of water pressure which should not exceed 85PSI.


Proper Joints to Avoid Leakage

Joints will come in to play their role when you are installing these plumbing systems in your facility. There is no avoiding them and for this reason, the municipal code has set some guidelines for their installation as well. There are some essential requirements that you have to meet when installing them. These joints must be constructed in a specific manner and with certain materials. You, plumbing contractor, can assist you with all these guidelines. Following these rules will not only ensure safety and compliance but will also keep you away from any unwanted charges. 

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Hire Licensed Professionals

When it comes to plumbing projects you need to follow a lot of terms and conditions that the code has set. Failing to follow these rules will result in unnecessary penalties which will add to the overall cost and it will also mean that you will need to remodel your entire system again which will further escalate your expenses.

However, the code also urges you to hire a professional of the plumbing field who is not only knowledgeable of all the obligatory requirements but can also handle the projects in terms of meeting the current and futures demands set by the client. The code also provides numerous details on a variety of licenses and permits that a certified plumbing contractor must have for various types of projects.

To put everything in simple words, you must only hire a highly trained and licensed plumbing contractor for these projects. If you decide to go for a non-licensed plumber to take care of your projects then you are not only putting your entire project at risk but you are also violating the code pertaining the safety requirements.

The Chicago Municipal Code also guides you regarding all the traits and characteristics that a certified plumber has or even if you are contracting a firm to take care of your commercial project then you will find numerous details on this aspect as well. That being said, there are also rules for what constitutes as a licensed professional plumber. In short, your plumbing works must only be completed by an individual who has at least five years of experience and must also have some sort of vocational training or apprenticeship in the same field.

The installing of a quality plumbing system will not only enable you to save a lot of energy but it will also reduce your water consumption significantly. Nevertheless, you must consider all the safety measures because a specific portion of your entire plumbing system will also involve hot water and the temperatures will rise up to 150°F. For this reason, the municipal codes provide specific instructions and strictly govern these matters for the safety of the occupants of a facility.

NYE Design and Installation Procedures Keep Check on Your Bills

The modern era buildings require a highly reliable supply system of water to keep operating properly. The NYE’s plumbing engineers will provide you with the designs that will ensure that water keeps delivered with a precise flow rate and pressure and flow rate. The height of your facility won’t create any hindrance in this flow and pressure either.

We make sure that our plumbing systems are optimally sized and this will keep all your water bills under control. In addition to that these designs will also significantly lower the pumping costs in a variety of high-rise facilities. It will also guarantee efficient water usage and will reduce the bills associated with heating because fewer gallons go through per each flow through your facility’s water heating system on an annual basis.

Why NYE’s Plumbing Designs

A plumbing design comprises of a number of fixtures and fittings. These include a sink, lavatory, toilet, roof drain, dishwasher, shower, gas stove, pool, spa, gas fireplace, and gas boiler. All these fittings need to have their own plumbing piping and these networks must stay away from the sight due to which they need to be behind the walls or under the floors to adequately function.

NYE can be your one stop solution for all your plumbing needs. we will not only make sure that your design complies with all the legal requirement for safety set by the code but we will also make sure that it also caters all your present and future goals. We have familiar with DEP and Con Edison to make sure that we not only provide you with top notch services but also equip your project with high-quality plumbing supplies that will stand the test of time. 

Our design engineers will design the backflow preventers, and they can also provide you assistance with relocating your bathroom or kitchens as well as replacing plumbing risers. In the past decade, NYE has worked with a number of commercials, industrial and residential clients and our engineering teams have been able to successfully complete a number of new and remodeling projects with them.

Our team can design restaurant-grade commercial kitchens as well as entire plumbing systems for new buildings. We only hire professionals and plumbing engineers who have more than eight years of experience in this industry. Apart from that we also take them through our rigorous training sessions to further trim up their skills so that they are able to deliver a wide range of plumbing engineering services.

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