Offer your customers same-day delivery by installing a micro-fulfillment center in their neighborhood.
Convert vacant retail spaces and other commercial properties into lucrative urban fulfillment centers.
Use your storage space 4 times more efficiently, and pick orders 10 times faster with warehouse automation.
E-commerce was already a major trend in the retail sector, but there has been a faster growth since 2020. This has increased the demand for services that support online sales, and fulfillment centers are now being deployed closer to the customer. According to a study by eMarketer, Global e-commerce increased by 27.6% in 2020, reaching a sales volume of $4.28 trillion.
The rapid growth of e-commerce brings challenges, but it also creates opportunities in the 3PL industry. Customers now expect same-day delivery for many products, and in some cases even a 1 hour delivery.
Regional distribution centers cannot meet this demand, for the simple reason that they cannot be close to all customers. However, smaller fulfillment centers can be deployed in urban locations, relying on robotics to achieve dense storage and faster orders. These are called micro-fulfillment centers or MFCs.
Since micro-fulfillment centers are still an emerging concept, designing them while meeting local building codes can be a challenge. They are not addressed directly by codes, and developers must follow the applicable requirements for commercial and industrial occupancies.
Working with an experienced design firm like NY Engineers ensures code compliance and quick project approval.
Micro-fulfillment centers offer several features that make them attractive for online retailers, and even for grocery store chains:
According to a study by LogisticsIQ, the micro-fulfillment industry will have a value of $10 billion by 2026, and there will be over 2,000 micro-fulfillment centers in operation. This technology typically allows five times more storage in the same space, while using automation to process 10 times more orders per week.
Micro-fulfillment centers have also become an attractive option for grocery and retail chains that have recently transitioned to e-commerce. Many of them lack experience with online order fulfillment and 3PL services.
A micro-fulfillment center can be deployed in an existing store, allowing online and in-person sales from the same location. However, a micro-fulfillment center can also be deployed in a dark store - a store without customer interaction, used exclusively for e-commerce or to supply other stores. The term dark warehouse is often used when describing larger facilities, but the basic principle is the same: using automation to fulfill orders without customer interaction and with reduced human labor.
A conventional warehouse needs abundant lighting for manual picking, enough space to operate heavy equipment like forklifts, and the corresponding charging systems. In other words, a warehouse can be considered an industrial installation. Thanks to robotics, these design requirements are eliminated in a micro-fulfillment center:
In a micro-fulfillment center, the electrical design is focused on robots and their control systems, instead of high-bay lighting and heavy equipment. Ventilation, heating and cooling requirements are determined mostly by the products stored and retrieved, since human occupancy is minimal. However, a basic principle of MEP design holds true for micro-fulfillment centers: smart engineering decisions during the design stage can lead to major energy savings over time.
Just like with data centers, which are expected to host business applications and files 24/7, a micro-fulfillment center must have a reliable power supply for continuous operation:
The MEP design of micro-fulfillment centers must consider a reliable backup power system, along with the electricity and communication needs of picking robots. Depending on the products stored, there may also be stringent ventilation and refrigeration requirements.
According to one of the leading research organizations, the North American e-commerce fulfillment services market size was valued at USD 23,334.14 million in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.9% from 2023 to 2030.
The automated storage and retrieval systems used in micro-fulfillment centers often have a modular design, which makes them adaptable in terms of scale and layout. Being a major online retailer like Amazon is not necessary to invest in MFCs. Thanks to its compact and modular design, the concept is also viable for smaller retailers, including those who are new to ecommerce and 3PL services.
Depending on the needs of retailers with ecommerce platforms, micro-fulfillment centers can be deployed as:
In general, a micro-fulfillment center is financially viable when a retailer has an online sales volume that justifies the implementation costs. The retailer must also have access to last mile delivery services that can match the order processing capacity, or otherwise there will be a bottleneck. The space requirements and physical layout are rarely a limitation for MFCs, thanks to the flexible design of automated storage and retrieval systems.
Micro-fulfillment centers can also have a tower configuration, since robots can pick orders from tall storage racks with ease. In conventional distribution centers, the storage height is limited by the capabilities of human workers and heavy equipment. Also, aisles that are too narrow and tall cannot be illuminated effectively, but this is not a problem for robots.
The dense product storage offered by an MFC is very useful in metropolitan settings, where each square foot of land is at a premium.
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Put some clear and concise content in here. Keep your reader in mind. What are they trying to do? What are they hoping to learn? Why are they reading this? Help them out and use the tone and voice of your organization.
The year 2020 was challenging for many business sectors, and this includes commercial real estate. A study by Deloitte Insights found that lodging and retail were among the most affected sectors, but the demand for data centers and industrial spaces actually increased. Many landlords are currently struggling with low occupancy, but vacant properties can be repurposed for the growing needs of ecommerce.
Since micro-fulfillment centers rely on robots, they don’t have the energy needs of regional distribution centers and other industrial buildings. As a result, the MEP installations in existing commercial buildings can be repurposed without major changes. Unlike humans, picking robots don’t depend on potent lighting fixtures to process orders, since they are equipped with sensors and positioning systems.
A large commercial building can be repurposed for two of the main needs of online retailers: micro-fulfillment and data center services. A reliable electrical installation is critical in these cases, since retailers cannot afford downtime with the current demands of ecommerce.
Online purchases have become more popular among customers, and this trend was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. In many cases they expect a 1 hour delivery, which is not possible for regional distribution centers. The last mile delivery is often the less efficient step in ecommerce, but retailers can shorten distances by deploying urban ecommerce fulfillment centers.
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