This is a brand new 250,000 ft2 building comprising pharmacy and biology research space. The building is divided by two stacked atrium spaces, both of which have atrium smoke exhaust systems. One-half of the building is six stories of laboratory space containing fume hoods and hazardous exhaust. The second half of the building is office and pharmacy space. The lower level is vivarium space. Building infrastructure is served by custom-built up supply air handling units fed by campus chilled water and steam. Campus steam is converted to clean steam for humidification and laboratory equipment. Heat recovery air handlers use glycol water coils to capture heat from exhaust in a 100% outside air system.
Air valves are used in research ductwork system to provide precise air volume and pressurization to critical spaces, animal cage racks, bio-safety cabinets, and fume hoods. HEPA-filtered air is provided to vivarium spaces to protect laboratory animals. Research space includes radioisotope fume hood laboratory. Hazardous exhaust air systems separate from main system exhausts by dilution plume exhaust fans to prevent intake air entrainment. Principals of NY Engineers performed this project while at previous firms.
The Mary McDowell Friends School is a private Quaker school providing college prep level education for students in grades K-12 who have learning disabilities.
The design of new 80,000 CFM built up air handler was completed to replace the existing in the Meyer Building of New York University.
NY Engineers was involved with the designing of the HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection systems for the renovated glass washing and sanitizing room. The biological laboratory serves for students and researchers, and as a teaching facility.