New Jersey's Clean Energy Program

Get more details on eligibility, process and timeline

Mechanical - HVAC Engineering


New Jersey Boards of Education (BOEs) and certain New Jersey located Small Businesses are eligible.


Program grants will provide no more than 75% of the cost of projects approved by the Program Administrator.


We can submit program applications on your behalf and produce the requisite engineering reports in a timely manner.

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New Jersey's Clean Energy Program

Earlier this year, on August 24th 2021, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) School and Small Business Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program Fund was enshrined in law. Overall, this NJBPU Clean Energy funding program dedicates $135M in funding to Schools and small businesses in the state. Specifically the Program funds two particular Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) related programs: 

  • the School and Small Business Ventilation and Energy Efficiency Verification and Repair (SSB-VEEVR) Program and, 
  • the School and Small Business Noncompliant Plumbing Fixture and Appliance (SSB-NPFA) Program. 

Together, these grants facilitate the repair, maintenance, replacement and installation of some Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems, and energy efficient and water-conserving appliances. The overriding objective is to improve the health and safety of schools and small businesses, especially those in underserved communities while creating jobs for labour-intensive projects, with the valuable spin-offs of improving air quality, system performance, energy efficiency, and water consumption reduction.

More specifically, SSB-VEEVR Program assessments will ensure HVAC systems are tested, adjusted, and if necessary and cost effective, repaired, maintained or replaced with the aim of improving air quality and system performance. On the other hand SSB-NPFA Program assessments will ensure plumbing systems and appliances are tested, adjusted, and if necessary and cost effective, repaired, or replaced with the aim of reducing water consumption and improving their energy efficiency.

Is your School or Small Business eligible for a NJ Clean Energy Program?

New Jersey Boards of Education (BOEs) and certain New Jersey located Small Businesses are eligible for a New Jersey (NJ) Clean Energy Program School and Small Business Energy Stimulus Program Fund grant.

Eligible BOEs include NJ located public schools, whether local school districts, consolidated school districts, regional school districts, county vocational schools or charter schools. 

Eligible small businesses include NJ located businesses that meet the following criteria: no more than 100 full-time employees independently owned and operated, annual gross revenues, which do not exceed $12 million, and, importantly, certification by the State of New Jersey as a Minority and/or Woman Business Enterprise (M/WBE) located in an Underserved Community. Underserved Communities are those NJ municipalities with a school district where 75% of public school students are eligible for free or reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch Program. There are Underserved Communities present in the Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Hudson, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean, Passaic, Salem, Somerset and Union municipalities of NJ.

Additionally, for the SSB-VEEVR program, any Small Business located within a New Jersey municipality where a qualifying school district is located will be deemed located in an Underserved Community.


What can the School and Small Business Energy Stimulus Program Fund grant pay for and how much is available?

Program grants will provide no more than 75% of the cost of projects approved by the Program Administrator and 75% of School and Small Business Energy Stimulus Program funds will be awarded to eligible Schools and M/WBE Small Businesses.

The SSB-VEEVR and SSB-NPFA Programs both pay for up to 75% of the cost to repair and/or replace equipment. These grants equate to 75% of the cost of the approved project cost (equal to the sum of approved individual site budgets for all eligible sites included in an application), subject to certain provisions regarding coordination with other energy efficiency programs. Utility program funding and financing may also be available for 25% share.

For projects that are already completed, but by no more than 12 months prior to the launch of this Program, the NJBPU may provide program grant funding to cover qualifying associated costs and consultant fees associated with necessary Program assessments.

Each applicant is subject to the following Program Grant Caps:  $500K Program Grant Cap per Small Business and $5M Program Grant Cap per BOE. Should it be applied for, incentive funding from either Program also counts towards the incentive cap. NJBPU staff can increase or decrease any or every Program Grant Cap based on program participation, demand, or other factors.

All Funds will be issued at project completion upon receipt, review, and approval of all final required reports.


What work is eligible for each Program and what is required?

Grants can assist in paying for work relating to either a maintenance or replacement / renewal pathway of either Program.

SSB-NPFA Program: Noncompliant Plumbing Fixtures and Appliances

Applications to the SSB-NPFA Program need to demonstrate the existence of Noncompliant Plumbing Fixtures or Noncompliant Appliances and include a cost estimate verified by a contractor for their replacement. Awards are made based on verified cost estimates. 

Eligible applicants can replace Noncompliant Plumbing Fixtures and Noncompliant Appliances with water-conserving plumbing fixtures and appliances. As a ‘rule of thumb’, many non-compliant appliances or fixtures will be over 10 years old.

Program Grants may only be used for costs directly related to the replacement of the Noncompliant Plumbing Fixtures and Noncompliant Appliances described below:


Noncompliant plumbing fixtures exceeding the following water usage levels:

  • Toilets with water consumption : over 1.6 gallons per flush
  • Urinals with water consumption: over 1 gallon per flush.
  • Showerheads with water flow capacity: over 2.5 gallons per minute.
  • Interior faucets with water emission: over 2.2 gallons per minute.

Noncompliant appliances as follows: 

  • Commercial dishwashers not complying with the efficiency requirement of the ENERGY STAR® Product Specification for Commercial Dishwashers (Version 2.0) and manufactured before January 1 2010
  • Commercial clothes washers not complying with the efficiency requirement of the ENERGY STAR Product Specification for Clothes Washers, (Version 8.0) and manufactured before January 1 2010
  • Automatic commercial ice makers not complying with the efficiency requirement of the ENERGY STAR Product Specification for Automatic Commercial Ice Makers (Version 3.0) and manufactured before January 1, 2010

Note, these SSB-NPFA grants are not available for purchase of new equipment that is not an integral part of the project or for consultant fees other than those directly for the assessment the Program funds.


Proper Disposal/Recycling Requirements

SSB-NPFA grant recipients shall dispose of or recycle all Noncompliant Plumbing Fixtures and Noncompliant Appliances in compliance with all local ordinances, standards, and requirements. Noncompliant Plumbing Fixtures and Noncompliant Appliances are to be removed from service as part of this program and are not to be resold or reinstalled.


SSB-VEEVR Program: Ventilation and Energy Efficiency Verification and Repair

Each project awarded a Program Grant will follow only one grant pathway and should complete the process and meet the requirements as described for that grant pathway. 


SSB-VEEVR Pathway options:

HVAC Assessment and Maintenance Pathway: This pathway is available for HVAC maintenance, repair, and minor system repairs and upgrades, but excludes the installation of new HVAC units. 

HVAC Assessment and Replacement/New System Pathway: This pathway is available for the purchase and installation of a new HVAC system or unit, by way of replacement, addition, or otherwise. Applicants should provide supporting documentation showing that existing HVAC equipment (if present) is unable to comply with the minimum ventilation and filtration program standards without an HVAC system or unit replacement. All proposed new systems or HVAC system replacements should comply with or exceed program ventilation and filtration standards and any new or replacement HVAC system should also comply with the necessary and cost-effectiveness standards. 


SSB-VEEVR Eligible costs:

Grant award funding can only be used for direct costs and work performed in accordance with the terms of this Program including HVAC assessment and testing, new system or unit installation, carbon dioxide monitor installation, preparation of the HVAC Assessment Report, and preparation of a HVAC Verification Report.


SSB-VEEVR Ineligible costs:

Costs that are ineligible include, but are not limited to, those costs associated with the use and continuous monitoring of the carbon dioxide monitors, such as electrical improvements, subscription services, storage, and central hubs, purchase of equipment that is not an integral part of the project, costs for boilers or other types of HVAC equipment that do not directly and significantly affect ventilation or airflow and consultant fees (other than those for Qualified Personnel and Certified Energy Auditors) or for equipment installed prior to application approval.


Prevailing Wage Requirement:

It is worth noting that the Program grants constitute financial assistance provided by the NJBPU and can therefore be subject to prevailing wage requirements pursuant to the Prevailing Wage Act and the associated regulations. Applicants are to self-certify compliance with all applicable prevailing wage requirements relating to the work covered by Program grants. The NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development is authorized to interpret and enforce prevailing wage requirements.

Who can carry out the NJ Clean Energy Program grant funded work?

All repair, upgrade, replacement, or other technical work completed as part of the NJ Clean Energy Program must be performed by a skilled and trained workforce. Applicants may use in-house staff or contractors to complete the work. The only provision is that all staff should meet applicable Skilled and Trained Workforce requirements and all other labor requirements of the Programs appropriate to each activity completed.

How long after NJ Clean Energy Program funding approval does work have to be completed and reporting documentation submitted?

For each NPFA Program project, applicants have up to 12 months from the date of approval to complete all work and submit the final reporting documentation.

For each VEEVR Program project, applicants have 12 months to complete all work and submit the final reporting documentation, with the ability to request one 6-month extension. 

It is the applicant’s responsibility to monitor project completion and meet all required reporting and invoicing deadlines.


How can Qualified Personnel assist you with NJ Clean Energy Program applications?

Qualified Personnel such as a qualified engineering consultant, can prepare and submit program applications on your behalf and produce the requisite engineering reports in a timely manner within the set deadlines. 

For the NPFA Program a qualified engineering consultant can do the following: a) determine the appropriate pathway, b) complete and submit the application with Application Package Documents including a Documentation Form for Appliances and Documentation Form, c) develop the scope of work and cost estimate and d) prepare a Final Document Package including documentation of Completed Work Form for Appliances and Documentation of Completed Work Form for Fixtures and e) perform a Program site inspection.

For the VEEVR Program a qualified engineering and energy auditing consultant can: a) determine the appropriate pathway, b) complete and submit the application, c) engage a testing and balancing technician, d) prepare a HVAC Assessment Report, e) develop your scope of work and cost estimate, acquire an independent review by a Certified Energy Auditor, f) complete a HVAC Verification Report and g) perform a Program site inspection.


Our new service capability for NJ Clean Energy Program School and Small Business Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program Fund applicants

now provides a professional all-in-one comprehensive service relating to the NJ Clean Energy Program School and Small Business Energy Efficiency Stimulus (SSB-VEEVR and SSB-NPFA) Programs via our Qualified Personnel. This new service offer is founded on its existing, highly developed mechanical, electrical and plumbing services capability.

On behalf of eligible school and small business clients, our Qualified Personnel can prepare and submit documentation for your NJ Clean Energy Program grant applications (including SSB-VEEVR and SSB-NPFA applications). We can also provide any necessary follow-up service for the scoping and costing of any required repair, maintenance, renewal and installation operations once funding has been received, prepare and submit the necessary final engineering report documentation for either single or multi-site scenarios and perform site inspections as required.

For the NPFA Program this service includes for one of our determining the appropriate pathway, completing and submit the application via the NJBPU’s submission system, preparing Application Package Documents, developing the scope of work and cost estimate, and following through to completion with preparation and submission of a Final Document Package and performing a Program site inspection.

For the VEEVR Program, this service includes for one of our determining the appropriate pathway, completing and submitting the application via the NJBPU’s submission system, engaging a testing and balancing technician, preparing a HVAC Assessment Report, developing the scope of work and cost estimate, and following through to completion with the preparation and submission of a HVAC Verification Report, performing a Program site inspection and acquiring an independent review by a Certified Energy Auditor.

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