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Parametric Revit Family Creation – An inevitable part of BIM

Parametric Revit Family Creation – An inevitable part of BIM

Maneuvering BIM modeling process can be complex without parametric Revit family creations, hence we label it as the inevitable part of BIM. Family creations make the process fairly simple since they are made of components that are the building blocks of the digital model.

Understanding Parametric Family Creations

Understanding Parametric Family Creations

The understanding of parametric family creations lies in the demystification of the word parameters. Parameters refers to mathematical equations and formulas in Revit family software that give the relationship among elements of the families. They act as the framework upon which family elements are created. In simple terms, parameters give us the relationship between properties of the components: width, length, and depth.

These parameters are based on reference planes within the model. And these reference planes are labelled ad dimensioned. Most importantly, parameters help us coordinate and manage the digital. Revit software allows for the automatic or manual creation of these parameters.

Structural members such as doors, windows, roofs, walls, and floors, are typical structural components that are coordinated using parameters.

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BIM Family Creation

BIM Family Creation is an indispensable part of BIM. It is through Revit families that MEP engineers access architectural, structural and engineering components to complete virtual models according to specifications. Think about building a specific component, i.e. a door with a specific feature such as a handle. This will be indicated in the virtual model with correct dimensions, build materials and other related information. There is a plethora of components in a virtual model and creating families classifies them accordingly.

BIM Family Creation

There are mainly three types of Revit families: in place, System, and Parametric. The first two in place and System BIM families are project specific, thus not the favorite in BIM modeling process due to the lack of flexibility. They are pointless to have when dealing with multiple projects whereas parametric Revit family creation can be used for multiple projects.

Even more, parametric family creation can be used in facility management purposes. That is more advantage to the owner. It can also be used as in built. Ideally, we can add details about the manufacturer, build materials, models, dimensions, and more info to certain components. This helps when managing and maintaining the facility.

Because of the lifecycle information we attach to the components, building maintenance can also be made simple with parametric family creation. It helps us keep a record of the assets and equipment.

Usually, the in-built library comes with pre-defined families in the software. However, this may not work with parametric family creations.   

Parametric Revit Family Creations

Parameters in a family can be edited or modified. The crux of parametric family creation lies in the accuracy of adding parameters to characterize the shape, properties and finishes of the components. In order to achieve that, one must be well-rounded and have the expertise of handling BIM. Also, BIM standards in a particular location should be considered.

Among others, to maneuver Revit parametric family creation you need to understand basic features such as adding geometry, understanding the framework, and categorizing the components into relevant families. Ultimately, the properties such as width, length, depth of components in each family must be controlled properly, hence this activity requires an extensive experience in BIM modeling. New York Engineers has expert technicians who have mastered the art of parametric Revit family creation in multiple projects.

Basics of Creating Parametric Revit Families

The first thing is to understand the template and how to set it. Creating families requires meticulous attention because parametric family creation does not work well with generic models. You need to choose the correct template from the onset and assign categories and sub-categories accordingly. After the template, you need to draw reference planes and add dimensions and labels on them. Thereafter, add parameters and test them. The last step will be an alignment of the geometries and lock the model. Without an experienced MEP engineer, this may seem unachievable or just cumbersome to accomplish.

Parametric family creation makes life easier for BIM model designers. It makes the entire process easy. Compared with other families, parametric is the best option to opt for because of its flexibility. Its components can be saved for later use in other projects. All you have to do is to modify and edit them in line with the project you are busy with.  

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